A Guide to Digital Business Card - How & When to use for effective benefits!

Whether small or big, online or offline - business cards are essential for every business irrespective of their field, nature and type. Previously these were just business cards but the 21st century's digital element has made these cards hold significance which makes it much more important than just being a card or business card.

Today's business card holds the power of creating strong communication between both the parties, making communication easy and effective and most importantly giving strong recognition to the brand-business-company. And in modern-day business, these smart business cards have made a special place to boost business in a short span of time.

Well, it is the smartest way to create an everlasting and strong impression in the mind of clients and buyers. The potential of smart business cards aka customized business cards can be utilized only when it's used and designed properly.

So, let's quickly figure out what's digital or smart business cards?

Just as the name suggests it's all 'digital' - This card can be used anytime and anywhere. You can create a digital business card easily and share it with any of your clients be it, national clients or international clients. As it all happens within a click.

The specialty of customized business cards is that it is designed in such a way that one can implant clickable buttons and share them within a click! It is as simple as sending someone a message on social media platforms or connecting with them virtually. Simple & Effective - NO rocket science involved.

In a nutshell, smart business cards are an interesting extension of business cards in a digital way. Create them digitally, share them virtually and grow business instantly.

Next up is understanding, how to use it or where to use it?

We aren't exaggerating if we say use it everywhere, whenever possible. One needs to understand that the shelf life of paper or physical business cards is very low and when we say low we mean it. Unfortunately, 88% of business cards are thrown away in less than a week. And practically there are low chances of beating the odds.

Narrow down your choice to digital business cards because they will be saved on laptops, phones, emails or drives digitally and there is negligible scope of it getting out of date. Secondly, it's comparatively more cost-effective and there are many more benefits of it which you can enjoy.

To enjoy all the benefits of it, you must know how to use it. You can create or pick your favourite customized business cards from CardMode and then on the share window you can directly share it to social media platforms, emails, drive etc. Or you can create a scalable QR code of your business card via CardMode and share the code. Both the ways are quick and user friendly.

After how and where - you still might have the 'why' factor in your mind. Let's be clear that. As mentioned it has numerous benefits from cost to sharing; it happens magically. But one major benefit is unlimited editing, you can add or remove data, change numbers or change the colour or pattern without spending an extra penny. That's pretty attractive & cool to try! 


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