An Eco-friendly Way to Increase Business Leads: Digital Business Cards
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we do business in recent days. It has been first-time lakhs of people are working from home. Businesses started conducting meetings remotely. Doesn’t this make sense that traditional business cards are diminishing gradually? In this digital world, the use of paper business cards is getting lesser. The main reason behind it is everything is accessible in a single touch. On the other hand, businesses are moving towards digital business cards and thus they are becoming much more popular in the past year. So, what digital business card actually is and how can you create one for yourself. Let’s see. A digital business card, also known as a virtual business card includes your contact information, social links, and other relevant information relevant to your business. Like a paper business card, you can use it to share with multiple clients. Digital business cards have more benefits than paper business cards and we will show why. • ...