An Eco-friendly Way to Increase Business Leads: Digital Business Cards
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we do business in recent days. It has been first-time lakhs of people are working from home. Businesses started conducting meetings remotely. Doesn’t this make sense that traditional business cards are diminishing gradually?
In this digital world, the use of paper business cards is getting lesser. The main reason behind it is everything is accessible in a single touch. On the other hand, businesses are moving towards digital business cards and thus they are becoming much more popular in the past year.
So, what digital business card actually is and how can you create one for yourself. Let’s see.
A digital business card, also known as a virtual business card includes your contact information, social links, and other relevant information relevant to your business. Like a paper business card, you can use it to share with multiple clients.
Digital business cards have more benefits than paper business cards and we will show why.
Virtual business cards are more convenient compared to a traditional business cards. Now the question that arises is, how? So, whenever comes a networking opportunity, you don’t need to look for one in your pocket. You can just share it directly from your phone with a single tap.
Moreover, there may arise a situation where your printed card copies are finished and you somehow forgot to give it in a reprint due to busy schedules. Now think of a situation you might have to attend some important meeting and you are left with no copy to share with anyone. In this scenario, don’t you feel digital business cards are more convenient as you don’t have to worry about any copy, you can share it easily from your own device.
The worst scenario is when you need to make any minor changes say for instance you need to change your phone number in the business card, you need to order the whole new stack and the remaining business cards will go to waste. With a digital business card, you can easily make any changes and the only thing you need to do is just save it to your device and you are done.
If we think from the user’s point of view, virtual cards are more convenient to them too. They don’t need to place it carefully with the fear of misplacing it. It is a fact that business cards are often misplaced. On the other hand, digital business cards can be accessed easily as many times they want, from their device.
Comparatively, digital business cards are easy to design and maintain. Traditional business cards can be expensive as you need to order them regularly as soon as it gets finished.
Paper business cards impact a lot on the environment. More than 80% of people throw away business cards in few days after exchanging. This may adversely affect our earth by polluting it. Don’t you feel switching to the digital business card may solve this problem? So why not switch to it. Join your hands in making the world pollution-free and a better place to live.
With virtual business cards, you can always stay with the trend. Whenever you have a need to change the design you can easily change it according to the trend. While in the paper business card you cannot change it according to the trend as money is invested in it and even the previous copies cannot go to waste. It is only feasible to change the design of the card when the copies are tending to get over.
Let your clients connect you with a digital business card.
You might be wondering where you can create a digital business card for yourself. Don’t worry we are here to guide you through all.
There are plethoras of online sites available where you can create a digital business card on your own. For instance, CardMode is a platform that allows you to create and share it unlimited and generate leads. There are numerous templates available on CardMode which help you design your digital business card in a minute. It is one of the best digital business card makers because it is user-friendly. So what are you waiting for? Create and increase your business leads in an eco-friendly way.
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